Author name: David

Contemporary Taoism

Contemporary Taoism is not a religion and is not an extension of the Chinese traditions and practices associated with traditional Taoism. It is a philosophy, a cosmology, a way of life and a spiritual practice that arises from Lao Tsu’s text the Tao te Ching, a work over 2,400 years old. Contemporary Taoism focuses on

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Why the Tao Te Ching?

Why the Tao Te Ching? We need words that are 2,600 years old. I don’t care that the world of ancient China is very different from our world today. You may wonder what words written centuries ago have to do with our situation. Surprisingly, they are very relevant to our situation. There is a commonality

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Dealing with dread

Dealing with dread Gulp! Today, we stand on the brink of creating such radical climate change that civilization, as we know it, may not survive. It may just collapse. Or we can start tossing nuclear weapons at each other and end up with a completely barren planet, incapable of sustaining life. As Bette Davis put

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